Implement a simple Operating System

Ovindu Archana
2 min readJul 26, 2020


‘’CPU INFO OS’’ is a simple operating system to show your hardware information on your computer.

There are two windows of this CPU INFO OS

The welcome pages show the welcome note and preset two buttons, one is to hardware information and the other is the exit button. pressing Info it opens another page and shows your hardware information. Then you can Press ESC to back to the welcome page and by pressing exit you can shut down the operating system. It only supports keyboard inputs only.

Check my os below link

Pre-Requisites for building the CPU INFO os

I used ubuntu os to build this os.

nasm Installation

Nasm is an assembler that compiles assembly language code into machine language. To install nasm open ubuntu terminal and use the given code.

sudo apt-get install nasm

qemu installation

It’s an emulator/virtual machine to run os. use given codes to run the installation.

sudo apt-get install qemu

Install KVM package, the command is

sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm

you can check Qemu version, use below command

apt show qemu-system-x86

For KVM version check

kvm -version

Run the CPU INFO OS from the emulator

Go to the file location where that has a disk image iso file. Open the terminal and type the below command.

qemu-system-x86_64 -boot d -cdrom CPU_INFO_OS.iso



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